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Bald Rock, South Carolina


In Bald Rock, South Carolina, a new monolith was discovered. Calvin Bowman said on Sunday around noon, he was hiking with some friends along Bald Rock when they came across a monolith.

According to Greg Lucas with DNR, they do not believe it was the same kind of monolith seen in other places but a copycat version.

Lucas said when a DNR employee found the "monolith" on Monday morning, it appeared to be already half blown over because of its flimsy construction. It seemed to be made of three pieces of tin nailed to a post.

DNR removed the structure on Monday.

Dates & Classification
Date Spotted
Questionable monoliths, not confirmed to be knockoffs but likely considering the origin or appearance of the monolith.
Multiple Monoliths
Physical Qualities
Generic Metal
Wooden Core
Number of Sides
Three Sided (Typical Monolith Design)
Unfinished surface
Top Geometry
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